CTF SniperArena guide by [DieTunichtGuten] Crew
In anutshell: - there are two flags and two teams: Blue and red - Grab the other team's flag from their base and return it to your base tocap - BUT, you can only cap when your flag is in your base too!This makes it harder! - The match ends when one team reaches thecap limit (this is usually 10 caps) - Always be sure of yourteam, and remember to move VERY quickly!
Gameplay: Capture the flag (CTF from here on in) is a team-based mode of Xonotic: You and your team are pitted against another (Blue/ Red) in a fight overproperty and territory. Each member can make a dash for the opposition's flag, but scoring then requires a tactical retreat to your own base,and ensuring that your own team's flag is still at the base when youreturn. This can take great skill on the part of a team, and greatcoordination. A team finally wins when they reach the capture limit: 10Caps (usually. Some servers may differ.) There are other ways ofscoring in CTF SniperArena, for example, fragging a flag carrier, butthe path to the most points still lies as a flag carrier........strangely though, under the default scoring system in Xonotic, there areno points awarded for regular frags in CTF... In SniperArena u cancollect health and armor to stay alive abit longer an Headshot bringsmore damage than an body shot. We also have dodging on the server and if ur on the ground and dubbel tap ur move direction keyup,down,left,right u will get a boosted move in that direction
In CTF SniperArena , at the start of a match, all members of a team tendto start in their base or in a neutral area of the playing field. Eachteam's respective flag is also situated within the centre of their base, guarded. The aim is to enter the enemy base, snag their flag, andreturn it to your flag, at your base. But you can only score a cap ifyour flag is at your base too.
When you finally grab theflag, MOVE QUICKLY!! Return to your base! If the enemy has your flag,rmember to hide and wait for your team to return it before showingyourself and heading to your base to score. If you don't manage to evade or frag members of the opposing team, you will drop the flag!
Remember, flag carriers tend to be skilled players. Beware them. BUT try to fragthe enemy carrying your flag at all costs! If he returns to his base,the enemy will score!
If a flag is dropped into an area ofthe map which causes death, the flag will remain there, unaffected byphysics....these are opportunities to grab it. Though this is difficultto do without touching the effected ground yourself! The only exceptionto this rule is when the flag drops of the edge of a level, in whichcase it will be returned to its home base in a few seconds.
Beware of campers: there are an extra breed of camper which only appear inCTF....these people wait at the opposing team's base, waiting for theflag to be returned. These people annoy true flag carriers, as many areunskilled at flag carrying and take the opportunity away from others ofcarrying the flag. Try not to be one of those people.
- picking up the enemy flag: 25 points - capturing the flag: 50points, 1 CAP - fragging enemy flag carrier: 20 points - returning the flag: 20 points - fragging any enemy: 1 points - fragging any enemy by headshot: 2 points
- know your team color!check at the beginning of each match - know when you're carrying theflag (indicated by a bright colored Key symbol on the left side of thescreen) - don't take unnecessary risks as a Flag Carrier - protect your Flag carrier - attack opposing Flag Carriers in groups (2 ormore players are best) - when an opposing team collects your flag,pursue and attack. Swarm as a team. - Work as a team, teamwork is the key. If everyone tries to camp for the flag, loss is unavoidable. - Know the map layout: you cant speedily return to your base withoutknowing the fastest (or most winding if you want to lose the enemy)route. - Collect a lot of Health and Armor but don't take it from urown Flag carrier if he needs it
Thanks for reading!
Cant wait to see you in game...
-DieTunichtguten / Crew