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Me sucking on Dance.

Posted: 29 May 2010, 10:22
by Akari
(6.89 MiB) Downloaded 748 times
nexuiz000424.jpg (96.61 KiB) Viewed 15570 times

Re: Me sucking on Dance.

Posted: 29 May 2010, 13:46
by sardine
Your screenshot made me cry...why is it so bright? :o

Re: Me sucking on Dance.

Posted: 29 May 2010, 21:34
by Akari
It's not that bright in game, in fact I can't even adjust game brightness (SDL bug?).

Re: Me sucking on Dance.

Posted: 30 May 2010, 16:15
by sardine
what about redownloading nexuiz? should help if your installation is broken.

Re: Me sucking on Dance.

Posted: 31 May 2010, 08:07
by Akari
It's clearly not a problem of Nexuiz, it's the same for any application that makes use of SDL.